Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Glorious Wildlife

Ah yes, the great outdoors. A busy beaver builds his home, the bees are buzzing, the fireflies are lighting up and lady bugs are feasting. Summer is a great time indeed!

Tea Party Delights

Here are a few images that fit nicely together, breakfast that is 'happy to see you', a sweet little ball-joint doll girl, and a small kitten in a tea pot. Who doesn't like kittens in tea pots? ...Or kittens.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Oodles of Sketchbook Madness!

So many sketches from this last summer's sketchbook! A couple of them go together as a set, such as the 'Bad Egg' and 'Fly-Swattered'! Perhaps someday I'll revisit these when I run out of ideas...but for now, I'm going to stash them away on my blog like a squirrel stashes it's nuts.

Halloween Monsters

A variety of spook-tastic halloween creatures!

Summer Sketchbook Project

A summer sketchbook project of 2010, before the summer we were handed a blank sketchbook--the only direction was to fill it before the summer was out. I had a great time with this project, I even had time to design a nifty cover!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Something Very Different

Ah yes, and now for something very different! I learned how to use oil paints(about time I know ).

I can't honestly say that this medium is practical to my illustration needs as it takes a long time to dry. But, it was neat to try something that I have never even touched! I'm not very patient when it comes to dry time, I prefer a kind of paint that can be dried with a hair dryer within a couple minutes, not a couple hours. Though I find the blendability of oils is most excellent, I can't stand the extended moistness.

I had a lot of fun playing with oils, but I'm pretty sure those stains will never come out of my clothes...I think I'll stick to watercolors.

Before...and After

A handful of charming 'before and after' artworks. I always like to see where artworks began, and where they end up!

I have to say among my favorites are 'Handsome Robin', 'Milk and Cookies', and 'Turtle Love'--all done on the same day coincidentally!